Ravi Chawra

Privacy Policy


Welcome to ravichawra.com, your trusted digital marketing freelancer platform. We value your privacy and are committed to protecting your information. This policy outlines our data collection methods and usage, ensuring we prioritize your confidentiality

Information We Gather

When you use our site, some data will be collected automatically, such as your IP address, web browser, time zone, and pages you visit within the site. This information is collected using third-party services like Google Analytics and Meta Pixel

Use of Information

The information we collect allows us to:

  • Enhance and optimize our site
  • Analyze user behavior and trends
  • Design and deliver relevant digital marketing solutions

We strictly adhere to the principle that we never disclose identifiable personal information to third parties without explicit consent or unless required by law.

Google and Meta Advertising

We also use Google Ads and Meta Ads on our website. These platforms serve cookies that allow them to show you advertisements based on your previous visits to our site or other sites that use these advertising services. You can opt out of personalized ads by changing your preferences on Google Ads Settings or Meta Ad Preferences.

Cookies and Tracking Technologies

Our website uses cookies and similar tracking technologies in order to better understand user experiences and improve our services. You can disable cookies within your web browser settings, although this might affect some site functionalities

Privacy Policies of Google and Meta

While providing these services, we adhere to Google’s and Meta’s privacy policies. The links to pages containing their respective privacy policies can be found at the end of our own privacy policy for your inspection

GDPR Data Protection Rights

As per the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) governing data protection for individuals within the European Union, you have certain data protection rights regarding your Personal Data. These rights include:

  • Right to Access: You can request copies of your personal data.
  • Right to Rectification: You have the right to correct any information you believe is inaccurate and to complete the information you believe is incomplete.
  • Right to Erasure: In certain circumstances, you can request that we erase your personal data.
  • Right to Restrict Processing: You have the right to request that we restrict the processing of your personal data, under certain conditions.
  • Right to Object to Processing: You have the right to object our processing of your personal data, under certain conditions.
  • Right to Data Portability: You have the right to request that we transfer the data that we have collected to another organization, or directly to you, under certain conditions.

If you make a request, we have one month to respond to you

Third-Party Privacy Policies

We utilize Google Analytics and Meta Pixel to track user activity and behavior and we also use Google Ads and Meta Ads for advertising purposes. As such, their respective privacy policies will also apply to users of our website. Please review these policies at your discretion:

Google Privacy Policy Meta Data Policy

If you’re redirected to these sites via our privacy policy, please be aware that we do not exercise control over their content or privacy practices.

Advertising Partners Privacy Policies

Our advertising partners, including but not limited to, Google Ads and Meta Ads, employ cookies on our site to personalize the advertising content you see. This is achieved by using your browsing history to understand your preferences. These cookies help the advertisers ensure that the ads you see on our site and elsewhere on the internet are the most relevant to your interests.

As part of this practice, our advertising partners abide by their respective privacy policies and afford you options to control how your data is used for advertising purposes. You can opt-out of personalized ads by amending your settings on Google Ads and Meta Ad Preferences.

For more information about these practices and to learn more about what choices are available to you, visit their respective privacy policy pages linked above.

Changes to Privacy Policy

We may occasionally update this privacy policy based on operational, legal, or regulatory changes. Any updates will be posted here for your review.


For more information about our privacy practices, if you have questions, or if you would like to make a complaint, please contact us directly 



By using our services, you consent to our usage of such information as detailed in this privacy policy.

It’s important to note that you might be redirected to external sites via this policy, for which we are not responsible concerning content or privacy practices.

We appreciate your understanding and trust in our digital marketing services.